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Our Simulations


Each simulation was built using real business scenarios and designed for use by industry. This provides the ideal learning opportunity, being both realistic and immersive.



Designed to be delivered in a half-day workshop, they can also be split into shorter weekly sessions using the natural break points at the end of each trading period.

Our coffee shop startup simulation

Cafeccino - Coffee Shop Startup

Teams will choose the store location within the new Metro Shopping Centre. Trading in a dynamic environment means;


  • Learning to allocate start-up funds and set operating budgets

  • Identifying target customers and choosing a product range to suit

  • Managing staffing levels, training, marketing and stock control

  • Balancing profit with customer satisfaction and staff motivation

  • Adjusting range, staffing and pricing to deliver optimum results

Our mobile phone store management simulation

Smartia - Mobile Phone Store management

Teams are tasked by head office to take over the management of an under-performing store and improve profits and customer satisfaction. They will;


  • Identify target consumers and the range to sell them

  • Ensure the store staff are adequately trained and motivated

  • Balance stock control to sales forecasts and adjust prices accordingly

  • Develop targeted marketing to attract and retain customers

  • Refine decisions each period to achieve the optimum results



Each simulation has a facilitator platform that controls access and provides results immediately each trading period closes. Enterprise Skills can provide an experienced facilitator and also has Train the Trainer sessions available for leaders interested to run future programmes.


“It was fantastic to hear our young people competing to ensure they had the right marketing, the right customer feedback and the right profit margins to make the company successful. Students were very enthusiastic about this form of delivery and valued the real time updates on company performances. This is something we will definitely run again at our college.”

Principal, Aldridge UTC@MediaCityUK

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